Does your company operate cranes near or around power lines? Are your workers trained to the current OSHA standard (29 CFR Part 1926) for these operations? This 20 minute video could help save lives!

Specifically, the 19 minute video covers:
What to consider when planning the assembly or disassembly of a crane near a power line
  • Precautions to take when operating a crane near a power line
  • Where to post warnings
  • Encroachment prevention measures and options
  • When to use a spotter as well as alternative measures to spotters
  • When operations can take place under a power line
  • Smaller than minimum clearance distances
  • Required safety meetings and procedures
  • Working near transmitter communication towers
  • SHA’s training requirements
The video and booklet are designed to be used as the curriculum for a training course and in planning meetings prior to bringing a crane onto a worksite.

The products show real world examples of conditions and situations crane operators, signal persons, riggers, and construction workers encounter every day while operating near and around power lines. The companion booklet may be purchased separately for training purposes.

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SC&RA at (703) 698-0291


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