CCO Certification for Concrete Pump Operators Now Available

-The National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (CCO) recently made available a new certification program for concrete pump operators. CCO developed this certification in response to numerous requests from industry so that users can garner the same increased safety benefits that users of other load handling equipment have seen through CCO certification. CCO is the only accredited certification body to offer a concrete pump operator certification. This program tests operators on operation concepts and scenarios as well as industry standards that operators need to know, including ASME B30.27: Material Placement Systems Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings. 

The new CCO Concrete Pump Operator certification program consists of a written examination only. The exam is available via computer-based testing (CBT) at approximately 400 PSI test centers across the country. At $180 for the single exam, this new certification is the most affordable concrete pump operator certification available. The task force will be adding a practical exam in the future to ensure the program is fully ASME compliant. Full concrete pump operator certification information—including a candidate handbook detailing the certification process, references, and sample questions—is available on CCO’s website at

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