SC&RA Asks for Input; Organizing Group on Proposed NYC Truck Route Network Redesign

- The New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) is currently "working to keep up with changes in residential and commercial land use patterns, the transportation network, reduce network redundancies, and adapt to changing delivery patterns" through its Truck Route Network Redesign project (Feedback Map | Projects & Initiatives (, which designates freight restrictions and access throughout the city limits, including routes permitted for oversize/overweight truck and mobile crane travel. SC&RA is encouraging all members who move and support permitted OS/OW loads within New York City limits to provide comments to the City, indicating those routes that are most important to your operations, and which must be preserved and expanded for future OS/OW freight mobility. Members have until July 31 to provide comments. Following that deadline, NYCDOT will review all public comments and open any proposed rules regarding route redesignations and changes to final public comment within the coming months.
SC&RA is also organizing a working group of interested members to provide NYCDOT association-wide input on specific routes and other concerns. The work group will meet in July in advance of the filing deadline. Members interested in participating should contact Chris Smith as soon as possible.

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