SC&RA Opposes Proposed Permit Policy Change in California

- lSC&RA filed comments late last week to the California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) in response to a proposed change to the agency's variance (superload) permit policy that would deny approval of an application within 60 days if the carrier was unable to coordinate law enforcement escorts with the California Highway Patrol (CHP). Noting that CalTrans permit application process is already hindered by the state's lack of a 24/7 auto-issue permit system, SC&RA also reminded the state that coordination with other public agencies like CHP and localities is often time consuming as well, and that a 60-day denial policy presents a major risk to California's freight mobility and economy.

SC&RA joined its partners at the California Trucking Association to communicate these concerns, raised recently at a meeting of the California Transportation Permit Advisory Committee (CTPAC), one of the nation's only formal joint industry and government forums addressing OS/OW permit issues at the state-level. California’s permit policy issues, including its lack of a 24/7 auto-issue permit system, was prioritized by the SC&RA Permit Policy Committee as a Top 5 state for advocacy efforts in 2024. For more information, contact Chris Smith.

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