SC&RA Anticipates Kansas Removing 3-Day Wait for Certain Permits

- SC&RA understands that Kansas will be removing the 3-day wait for certain permits next week, as its Kansas Truck Routing Intelligent Permitting System, commonly known as K-Trips, is scheduled for an update on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 4:00pm CT. Removing this 3-day wait was a SC&RA specialized transportation top 5 priority for 2024 and will prove to have a major impact on the current Superload permit process.

Permit America reports that with the update, K-Trips will remove the mandatory 3-day waiting period.  Superload permits will be available for purchase immediately after the bridge study is approved. Approved bridge studies can be reused up to 10 times for immediate issuance of Superload permits. Also included in the update will be a one-time migration from TomTom to Open Streets Mapping. As a result, all approved bridge studies prior to the update will no longer be recognized. A new bridge study must be applied for and approved before a permit can be issued. It is important to note that all regulations listed in KAR Regulations Article 1.36.1-37 still apply. For more information, contact Chris Smith

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